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The base is a high-quality free and premium Tailwind CSS template specially crafted for - startups, Businesses, and Digital agencies.
It's perfect for most businesses who want to create a new website quickly, as it comes with all the essential sections and features needed to create a complete website for a business, agency, or startup.
It comes with all essential sections and components. The home page contains the following: Hero Area, About, Why Choose, Team, Features, Pricing Tables, Portfolio, Testimonials, Key Stats, Brands, Blog Grids, Contact Section, Call to Action, and a complete footer.
Base is a complete tailwind template that also offers 5 essential additional pages, and you might need to have a full-featured website such as -
If you are looking for a great-looking startup or agency site template with all the essential components you need, Base will be the perfect choice for you!
The full version of the base template is packed with customizable Tailwind CSS V3 files and all required files and assets. The free lite version only contains the build folder, which is not Tailwind or something that you can edit. It is suitable for trying out or using with non-commercial projects.
October 18, 2022
March 24, 2024
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