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15+ Best React UI Libraries to Kickstart Your Projects

15+ Best React UI Libraries to Kickstart Your Projects

Currently, React is at the top of the JavaScript food chain. Stack Overflow’s developer survey shows that React is the most commonly used front-end JavaScript framework. As React’s popularity grows daily, many UI libraries have developed custom React components to promote easy integration and enhance the developer experience.  Almost every UI library builds React components, […]

11+ Best Free JavaScript & jQuery File Upload Plugins

11+ Best Free JavaScript & jQuery File Upload Plugins

Can you imagine using the internet without being able to share files with other people? If you want to dig out the basic structural brick of the web, it would be different types of files, be it small or big. From general text documents to any programming-oriented files, a web cannot work without the option […]

11+ Best and Popular Node.js Frameworks in 2025

11+ Best and Popular Node.js Frameworks in 2025

Development frameworks assist developers by offering pre-built structures to organize the development process. These structures are tailored to their code base, enable the implementation of reusable elements, and boost development speed. It’s a common practice among developers to utilize Node.js frameworks for web development. However, this one is not common for the backend; however, developers […]
