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Want to decorate your blog with photos but don’t have any photographic skills or fees to pay for photos? Free stock photos are for you. Stock photography is the collection of photographs often licensed for particular applications. One of the most important parts of a design is photography. For decorating our blogs or designs, we can use those photographs from stock photos.
Without any photographic talent, you can find great images to use or decorate here. While several sites require fees for the license to use their items, there are enormous sites that allow free download access to stock photos.
These stock images aren’t out of focus and are also royalty-free. For bloggers and web owners, free stock images have been a blessing for collecting their featured blog images.
They can also use those images in articles, guides, social media, and blog posts. Besides, Free stock images benefit beginners who have started their blogs or need inspirational and stunning representation to make their sites look awesome.
Moreover, they save money and time, which is the most prominent advantage. The images or photographs need some steps to perform and are ready for download.
But you don’t need any professional photographers for your photography or images. With free stock photos, you can save this extra expense.
We have some amazing sites for free stock photos. Here, you can find every type of photo for your site; they are super handy. The following are 15+ sites for free stock photos for your blog posts.
Pexel has a vast, well-organized roundup of free stock photos. They come with high-quality and free stock images. Also, Pexels is licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CCO) license. All the photographs are searchable and beautifully tagged, and one can easily find their pages.
Moreover, they provide various photos, from sports to vivid landscapes and fashion to abstract images. Additionally, they display free stock videos for those who want them.
All of their photographs are a good mix of amateur and professional photographers. You can use these images both for personal and commercial purposes.
Unsplash comes with 300,000 high-resolution images from more than 50,000 contributors. This vast collection of images makes Unsplash one of the best sources for stock images.
All the photos are top-quality, and thousands are added daily. Here, you can find your work-related free stock images. Unsplash released all their photos for free under their own license.
The Unsplash team combines its new submissions and features with the best of the best photos on the homepage. All those free stock photos are royalty-free and high-resolution images.
With stunning and visually stimulating photographs, Pixabay offers a large collection of free stock photos. The photos of Pixabay are licensed under Creative Commons CCO.
Also, they provide free vectors and art illustrations. All the images on this site come with a very large database of high-quality features. Moreover, they offer 1.6 billion royalty-free stock photos and videos. These photos and videos have been shared by their own skilled and philanthropic association of photographers. Pixabay offers business and marketing plans oriented toward content marketers and bloggers. Here, you can find stunning and striking photographs for your blog posts.
Free Images comes with over 300,000 free stock images. All of their photos have been licensed under their own license. They allow the freedom of using their images with a very broad range. But they have some restricted cases, too, like any other free stock photo sites. All of the pictures are stunning and beautifully categorized.
Free images provide royalty-free images that are ready for your suitable project. Also, you can choose the photos according to subjects, photographers, or cameras. Moreover, you can use these photographs for personal and commercial purposes.
Magdeleine is a free stock photo site where you can find photos for your inspiration. They work on people’s inspiring photographs and provide them to those who need inspiration.
Another speciality of this site is that all of its photographs are hand-picked. They also provide a new daily photo with the photographer’s info. Magdeleine’s gallery is filled with well-featured and high-resolution pictures. Also, they have categorized their pictures, such as nature, city, animals, food, objects, people, and many more.
Picography carries a gorgeous free stock photo gallery. Dave Meier and various other photographers offer these photos. All photos are released under Creative Commons CC0. Picography is best known for its business, people, technology, and scenery photos. They provide high-resolution stock photos with free subscriptions. Also, with their free license, you can use these photographs however you want.
The ISO Republic comes with a vast collection of free stock photos. They offer thousands of free stock photographs for your blog post. Also, they provide free stock videos. All the photos and videos are released under the CCO license. Here, you can find high-resolution featured free stock photographs in many categories.
Designers Pics is a free stock images site where you can find your desired photos. They come with a huge gallery of free high-resolution stock images. Also, these images are divided into so many categories. You can use these free photos for personal or commercial uses.
FOCA was developed by Jeffrey Betts in 2014, and it has many free stock photos. They also provide free videos and templates with CCO licenses. You can use these photos, videos on your website, themes, templates, projects, print materials, social posts, and more. They also have so many categories, including nature, city scenes, workspaces, and macro.
Photographer Karolina developed the Kaboom site with her lovely images. She built this site especially for small business owners, bloggers, freelancers, and other digital locals. Kaboom Pics has an extensive range of free stock photos, including abstract, city/architecture, fashion, food, landscapes, and more. Also, you can use these photographs for commercial purposes, but they cannot be sold or redistributed.
Little Visuals Has a vast collection of free stock photos for commercial uses. They have 3.4 million users, 15.5 million image views, and 130 thousand users. That means they are very popular among digital natives. Little visuals come with high-resolution stock images. This simplistic site provides you with seven copyright-free photos every day in a week.
For those who love vintage photographs for their blog posts, New Old Stock is there for you. This site provides all the vintage photographs from public archives. Also, these vintage images are absolutely free to use for any purpose. Cole Townsend gathered this collection. They are old but high-resolution and stunning photos.
Now, PicJumbo is one of the largest collections of free stock photos on the web. They have a huge collection of beautiful free stock photos. You can easily sign up for a premium membership for extra photos. New images are added from a wide variety of categories. Moreover, you can use these images for personal or commercial purposes.
Gratisography comes with free high-resolution pictures for your personal and commercial projects. Every week, they add new awesome pictures and are free of copyright restrictions. The photographer of these amazing photographs is Ryan McGuire, who is the founder of Bells Design. Also, all of the photos are royalty-free and free to use under Creative Commons Zero.
Startup Stock Photos has a collection of free stock photos for the startup business. They come with photos of the startup, tech, and office businesses. Millions of people use Startup Stock Photos for their new business or office. Moreover, All of their photos are licensed under the CCO.
The number of free stock photography sites is growing quickly. These sites are a blessing for marketers, bloggers, and designers. Now, you don’t need to pay for your desirable high-resolution photographs.