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An icon is a graphic symbol on a computer display screen that represents a program, feature, or file. A click or double-click on an icon acts, or the linked file or program opens. Icons are essential components for web developers and designers in the design of all kinds of interfaces. If you’re looking for the […]
...Prototyping is a process that enables faster creativity and effective experimentation for the product team. Basically, it helps designers manifest their designs or ideas and cooperate better with clients. With the best free prototyping tools, designers can make product creation quicker and much more powerful. Also, designers can show the clients an obvious summary of […]
...People do not see your website the way you see it, do they? Just like a human body, websites need clothes to cover them up, too, or more accurately, digital clothes. Without proper digital clothing, a website cannot be represented in public. Thus, the use of SASS and LESS comes into question. If you’re looking […]